There are times when we need to make a custom report size. Before you can create a custom size, you have to manually add a Printer Form Size (Control Panel -> Printer & Faxes -> File -> Server Properties). Then you can set the Page Setup in your report to use the custom printer form.
The hard part is, when you distribute the application to the client, you must also set the same Custom Form Size for their printer configuration. Of course you don't want to do it one by one manually! So, what you need is create a small procedure to detect whether the custom printer form is already exist. If not then add it.
- Cut * paste the code below into PRG, then run "beautify" to make the code readable
- BinToC() function in this code is an Enhanced function in VFP9. For VFP8 and lower version, use UDF called Long2Str or Num2Str. You can find the function on UT or other VFP forums.
Local hPrinter
Local cPrinterName, cPaperName
Local pPaperName, sPaperSize
Local nResult, nBufLen, nPaperWidth, nPaperHeight
Declare Long GetLastError in Kernel32
Declare Long ClosePrinter in WinSpool.Drv Long hPrinter
Declare Long OpenPrinter in WinSpool.Drv ;
String cPrinterName, Long @O_hPrinter, Long pDefault
Declare Long GetForm in WinSpool.drv as GetPrinterForm ;
Long hPrinter, String pFormName, ;
Long nLevelInfo, String @O_pFormInfo, ;
Long nBufSize, Long @O_nBufNeeded
Declare Long AddForm in WinSpool.drv as AddPrinterForm ;
Long hPrinter, Long nLevelInfo, String @pFormInfo
Declare Long LocalAlloc in Kernel32 Long uFlags, Long dwBytes
Declare Long LocalFree in Kernel32 Long hMem
cPrinterName = set( 'Printer', 2 ) && Get default Windows printer
hPrinter = 0
If (OpenPrinter( cPrinterName, @hPrinter, 0 ) != 0)
cPaperName = 'MyCustom - Half A4'
nBufLen = 32 && FORM_INFO_1_Size
cInfo = replicate( chr(0), 32 )
nResult = GetPrinterForm( hPrinter, cPaperName, 1, ;
@cInfo, nBufLen, @nBufLen )
If (nResult == 0) && Get printer form failed
nResult = GetLastError()
If (nResult == 1902) && ERROR_INVALID_FORM_NAME
** Custom Printer Form not exist, add the new one
nPaperWidth = 210000 / 2 && Paper size is in 1/1000 millimeters
nPaperHeight = 297000 / 2
sPaperSize = BinToC( nPaperWidth, '4rs' ) + BinToC( nPaperHeight, '4rs' )
pPaperName = LocalAlloc( 64, 32 )
If (pPaperName != 0)
sys( 2600, pPaperName, len( cPaperName ), cPaperName )
cInfo = BinToC( 0, '4rs' ) + BinToC( pPaperName, '4rs' ) + ;
sPaperSize + BinToC( 0, '4rs' ) + BinToC( 0, '4rs' ) + sPaperSize
If (AddPrinterForm( hPrinter, 1, cInfo ) != 0)
? 'Custom paper form (' + cPaperName + ') has been added! '
? 'Error:', GetLastError()
LocalFree( pPaperName )
If (nResult == 122) && Insufficient buffer
? 'Error: Custom Paper Form already exist!'
? 'Error: ', nResult
? 'Error: ', nResult
ClosePrinter( hPrinter )
Happy coding! :)