- As usual, cut & paste the code below into PRG, then run "beautify" to make the code readable
- CToBin() function shown in the code is an Enhancements function in VFP9. It doesn't work on earliear version. For VFP8 and lower, use Str2Num UDF to replace the function. You can find the UDF on Universal Thread or many other VFP forums.
** Updated: July 07, 2008
** Bug fixed by: Julio Veloz
#Define DC_PAPERS 2
#Define DC_PAPERS_Size 2
#Define DC_PAPERNAMES_Size 64
Declare Long DeviceCapabilities in WinSpool.drv ;
String cPrinterName, String cPort, Short nCapFlags, ;
String @O_cBuffer, Long pDevMode
Local array la_Printer[1]
Local ln_Row, ln_Result, ln_I, ln_Index
Local lc_PrinterName, lc_Buffer
Local lc_FindPaperName, lc_PaperName, lc_PaperSizeID
lc_PrinterName = set( 'Printer', 2 ) && Get default windows printer
= APrinters( la_Printer )
ln_Row = AScan( la_Printer, lc_PrinterName, 1, 0, 0, 9 )
ln_Result = DeviceCapabilities( la_Printer[ ln_Row, 1 ], ;
la_Printer[ ln_Row, 2 ], DC_PAPERNAMES, 0, 0 )
If (ln_Result > 0)
ln_Index = -1
lc_FindPaperName = upper( 'MyCustom - Half A4' )
lc_Buffer = replicate( chr(0), ln_Result * DC_PAPERNAMES_Size )
ln_Result = DeviceCapabilities( la_Printer[ ln_Row, 1 ], ;
la_Printer[ ln_Row, 2 ], DC_PAPERNAMES, @lc_Buffer, 0 )
For ln_I = 0 to ln_Result-1
lc_PaperName = upper( substr( lc_Buffer, (ln_I * DC_PAPERNAMES_Size )+1, ;
If (lc_FindPaperName $ lc_PaperName)
ln_Index = ln_I
If (ln_Index != -1)
** Paper Name found, Get The PaperSize ID
ln_Result = DeviceCapabilities( la_Printer[ ln_Row, 1 ], ;
la_Printer[ ln_Row, 2 ], DC_PAPERS, 0, 0 )
If (ln_Result > 0)
lc_Buffer = replicate( chr(0), ln_Result * DC_PAPERS_Size )
ln_Result = DeviceCapabilities( la_Printer[ ln_Row, 1 ], ;
la_Printer[ ln_Row, 2 ], DC_PAPERS, @lc_Buffer, 0 )
lc_PaperSizeID = substr( lc_Buffer, (ln_Index * DC_PAPERS_Size )+1, DC_PAPERS_Size )
? 'PaperSize ID for "' + lc_FindPaperName + '" is', CToBin( lc_PaperSizeID, '2rs' )
Happy coding!